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Vault Breaker Door v3.3
by: Terry West
Sysop, The Strawberry Patch BBS 606-432-0879
Version 3.3 release date: 04/21/91
About this documentation:
My apologies for the lousy documentation, but I never once claimed
to be an author. If you encounter any difficulties setting up this
door, please don't hesitate to call my BBS and leave me a message.
I'll do my very best to help if I can.
What is Vault Breaker?
Vault Breaker is a ProKit based game door for PCBoard v14.5 that
allows a user to attempt to break the system's vault. If he
or she breaks the vault, they win a SysOp configurable prize.
The latest version of the Vault Breaker door can always be found
on the Strawberry Patch BBS. The number is 606-432-0879. Instant
online registration via the InstaReg Door. No waiting, download
on your first call. Additional time/privileges for visiting
SysOps. Node 1 is equiped with a HST dual standard.
* SysOp Configurable Combination:
Vault Breaker generates a random combination each time the door
is opened. The upper limit of the combination is set by the
SysOp. You can make the vault either easy, moderate, or hard
to break. The maximum number for the combination is 99. If you
prefer a "fixed" combination, use any ASCII editor and create a
file called VLTBRK.CMB as follows:
Line 1: Combination Digit 1
Line 2: Combination Digit 2
Line 3: Combination Digit 3
Note: the maximun number for the combination is still 99 even
if you use the VLTBRK.CMB file. It would also be advisable to
set the door up to LOCK after a user breaks the vault when using
a fixed combination instead of a random one.
* SysOp Configurable Door Lock:
By setting a switch in the .CNF file, the door will automatically
shut down after a user breaks the vault. The door will generate a
file called VLTBRK.LCK in the door directory. The door will
inform other users that the prize has already been awarded and ask
that they try again tomorrow. At that point they will be returned
to PCBoard. The door will remain locked until such time as you
delete the VLTBRK.LCK file.
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* SysOp Configurable "hint" feature:
By setting a switch in the .CNF file you can have the door inform
a user if each digit entered was either too high, too low, or
right. Use this feature wisely!
* SysOp Configurable number of attempts
The SysOp may also select the number of tries a user gets per
session to break the vault. The minimum number is 3 and the maximum
number is 6. Each new attempt will have a new combination.
* SysOp Configurable "Help" screen.
* SysOp Configurable Online Time Award:
Vault Breaker will optionally award users with online time on a
random basis in the SysOp so desires.
* SysOp Configurable Security/Expiration Date Adjustment
If a user breaks the Vault, the door will look for the existance of
a file called VLTBRK.ADJ and if it exists, the door will update the
user's security level and expiration date according to the parameters
in the the file. The VLTBRK.ADJ should be in the following format:
Line 1. Number of days to increase user's expiration date
Line 2. Security level to assign user.
The following example would increase the user's expiration date by one
year and assign them a level 71 security:
Please note, this feature is available ONLY in the registered
version and is disabled if the file VLTBRK.ADJ doesn't exist.
* Full logging:
In addition to writing entries to the caller's log, the door also
writes out a file containing the names and time that the vault was
broken. This file is configurable, so you could use it as a bulletin
or for your own records. Note: this file is contains the @Xhh color
macros, so it'll look a bit strange it you simply "type" it.
* Graphics check:
Since Vault Breaker relies heavily on ANSI graphics, any user
attempting to open the door while in the non-graphics mode will be
asked if they wish to continue. If not they're returned to PCBoard.
If they choose to continue, the graphics mode will be enabled until
they return to PCBoard.
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* SysOp configurable "maximum security level allowed to use door":
The SysOp can enter a maximum security level allowed in the .CNF
file. If a user's security level is higher than that specified,
he/she will be notified via the file VLTBRK.MAX and returned to
PCBoard. Level 120 is excluded. This feature can be disabled by
setting the level to 0.
* Full comm port monitoring:
Vault Breaker uses the highly reliable ProKit routines for carrier
loss detection, etc.
Files associated with the door's operation:
ADOPT.DAT : Adopt-a-door information screen
MAKECNF.EXE: the configuration file generator.
VLTBRK : the door batch file (explained below).
VLTBRK.ADJ : optional file containing new expiration date/security
level for user that breaks the vault (registered
version only).
VLTBRK.BRK : optional file displayed to user that breaks the vault.
VLTBRK.CMB : optional "fixed" combination file (1 digit per line).
VLTBRK.CNF : the configuration file (explained below).
# VLTBRK.DAT : the door's user file.
VLTBRK.DOC : you're looking at it.
VLTBRK.EXE : the door program.
VLTBRK.HLP : displayed when a user selects the (I) menu option.
# VLTBRK.LCK : file generated after a user breaks the vault if
the sysop has the "LOCK" option enabled.
VLTBRK.MAX : displayed to user with security level higher than allowed.
VLTBRK.SCR : displayed when a user selects the (D) menu option.
VLTBRK.SYS : encrypted registration file (not included).
# denotes a file generated by the door and not included in this zip.
UnZip the contents of this zip file into your door directory. I use
a separate directory for each door, so mine resides in the \VAULT
directory. After reviewing the documentation to get a grasp on how
you what to set the door up for your system, run the program MAKECNF.
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The VLTBKR.CNF file:
A 1 year subscription
No One Yet!
Line 1. Communications driver: (INTERRUPT, BIOS, HANDSHAKE)
Line 2. Your Prize. (62 characters or less).
Line 3. Amount of online time to randomly award (0 to disable).
Line 4. Maximum number for combination (99 max.)
Line 5. Maximum number of trys per session (min. 3 - max. 6)
Line 6. File to write winner's name to.
Line 7. Lock door if vault is broken (Y/N)
Line 8. Give user higher/lower hint (Y/N)
Line 9. Maximum level allowed in door (120 excluded) (0 to disable)
Line 10. Last user to break the vault
The VLTBRK door batch file:
@Echo Off
VltBrk VltBrk.Cnf C:\Pcb
If Exist Event.Bat Event
Line 1. Sets the local echo to off (do not use the @ if you're using
a version of DOS earlier than 3.3.
Line 2. Switches to the directory containing the Vault Breaker files.
Line 3. Starts Vault Breaker with the vltbrk.cnf configuration file.
The C:\Pcb is the location of the PCBoard.Dat file for this
Line 4. Switches back to the Pcb directory for this node.
Line 5. Runs the event if needed.
Line 6. Restarts PCBoard.
If you'd like for users to be able to play more than once per day, add
a line before line 3 like this:
If Exists VltBrk.Dat Del VltBrk.Dat
This will allow users to play as many times per day as they desire.
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The Vault Breaker Door is released as ShareWare and is meant to be
used for no more than 30 days without being registered. After 30
days you are expected to either register the door or cease to use it.
To register your copy, send check or money order for $15 to:
Terry West
P.O. Box 3171
Pikeville, Ky.
You'll then be able to download an encrypted registration file that
replaces the [Unregistered Evaluation Copy] with Registered to: Your
Board name. The registration file will work with ALL future releases
of Vault Breaker. If you'd like for me to upload your VLTBRK.SYS file,
please include an extra $1. (US ONLY!) Set up an account on your BBS
in the name of Terry West and let me know what the password is.
Please Note: Unregistered copies of this door will cease to function
after 01/01/92.
I make no warranty of any kind, express or implied, including without
limitation, any warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a
particular purpose. I shall not be liable for any damages, whether
direct, indirect, special or consequential arising from a failure of
this program to operate in the manner desired by the user. I shall not
be liable for any damage to data or property which may be caused
directly or indirectly by the use of this program.
PCBoard is a registered trademark of Clark Development Company.
ProKit is copyrighted by Samuel Smith.
InstaReg is copyrighted by Don Cheeks and Lana Fox.
Beta Testers:
Special thanks to the following people who put up with my many beta
releases and were most helpful in squashing the bugs:
Fred McClaren True Blue BBS (314) 434-1378 Hayes v32
Charles Baldridge AdventureComm (606) 789-3423 HST 964
Be sure to check out these 2 bbs's, as both are first class systems.